art by eric benton


Added on by Eric Benton.

Hey, all. I’m finally leaving this wretched pit called Texas for good, so I’m having a moving sale to honor that! I announced it on Instagram days ago, but here is it on the proper site. Use the code NEWDIGS at checkout to receive 20% off any order thru Wednesday. Order a shirt and I’ll include some extras, since I definitely don’t want to move across the country with a giant box of them.

I’m also closing any called for commissions at the moment. I move in two weeks and have a lot already queued up, so I need to take some time. If you’re interested in any art, though, feel free to reach out mid-August once I’m settled up north.

New Art Added

Added on by Eric Benton.

Check the Personal section for a few more recent works, like this image below. BLACK FIRE BLACK FIRE. I also created a Threadless store so I can offer a wider variety of products without breaking the bank. Check it out, and thanks to everyone who has already purchased something.


Store Updates

Added on by Eric Benton.

Yooo, I’ve been adding various new prints, koozies, and other misc items to the shop. I switched up how the sticker packs work, so now if you order a pack of six, it will include Shred Kaczynski, Arrow Ghoul, Skull Rider, and three other miscellaneous stix. A lovely surprise for you.


Spring Cleaning

Added on by Eric Benton.

Hey, all. Updated the site with a little bit of new work and made both the work and personal pages more to-the-point. Cleaned up the galleries, getting rid of some older work. Thanks for checkin’ in. xoxo -E


Added on by Eric Benton.

Hey, all. I’ve added a bunch of the stuff I’ve been slow to post. Check both the Personal and Work sections for new drawings. Rot Fest 3 came and went, and it was the best one yet. It’s really my favorite day every year, and hopefully there will be many more. I’m taking a break from making new products to do a few commissions, so now is the time to get in touch if you’re interested. I’ll be reprinting the RATLORD shirts I debuted at Rot Fest in the near future, but for now, I’ve added my Acid Hound pins to the store. Thanks for comin by!


New Art n' Zines

Added on by Eric Benton.

I’ve added free shipping to my store! USPS is a pain, so I either ended up over/undercharging on larger orders. Price have gone up a little bit to reflect this, but now everything will be just like the ocean under the moon.

Haven’t updated in a while. Summer in NY was great, and I’m slowwwwlllyyy crawling back to productivity, as always. It’s so hard to draw all summer when there’s bikes to be ridden and waterfalls to swim under. Up first is an illustration for the Jurassic Park/World issue of Birth.Movies.Death that came out a while back, published by Alamo Drafthouse. It was a blast and one of the most challenging things I’ve done in a while.


Also, I have some new zines up in the shop. PEOPLE I HAVE KILLED Vol 1. and my foldout VOID Zine. PIHK was risograph-printed here in Austin by Brian Macklaskey. I love the texture from riso machines, for real. It makes books feel like old pulp novels or comics. Ok, time to take my horse tranquilizer for the day and go for a romp in the hay.


New Stickers and Blacklight Print

Added on by Eric Benton.

Aw yeah., new stickers are in. Check 'em out in the shop. Been busy busy working on some commissions, trying to keep the old vessel Gutrot steady. I'm getting ready to leave again for the summer, and hopefully my time away from Austin will provide a much-needed break. Hoping to work on some more personal stuff while I'm hanging in the country.

New blacklight prints are also in the shop! GODHEAD, seen below.
